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 Price list

Lessons are given once a week. Typically, one week is a good amount of time for a student to practice and internalize the techniques that we cover each lesson. Lesson lengths and the amount of material covered depend entirely upon the goals of the student.  The rates below are for individuals.  Special pricing is available for multiple students in the same household where the total lesson time every week exceeds 30 minutes.  Prices reflect a monthly tuition and do not reflect individual lesson price.

30 minutes


Recommended for beginners or adults who wish to develop and maintain basic playing proficiencies.  Also, it is perfect for the individual involved in many other activities during the week who wishes to add musical elements to an already demanding schedule. Students at this level should strive for 5 practice days weekly for a duration of 20-40 minutes daily.

45 Minutes


Recommended for intermediate students aspiring to a higher level of playing ability. When 30 minutes isn’t quite enough to cover all the practice material, I recommend 45 minutes to allow for additional content. Students at this level should strive for 5 days of practice weekly for a duration of 30-60 minutes daily.

60 Minutes 


Recommended for ambitious students, those preparing for auditions, and those preparing for a musical career. Students at this level of
dedication should strive for 1-4 hours of practice daily.

Group Rates 60 Min or More
Best Value

Starting $250/Month, Add $110 for each addition 30 minute time-slot

For families who wish to have multiple students or lessons throughout the week there is a "groupon" rate of lesson times lasting 60 minutes or more.

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